Controlling the system delivery to allow users to concentrate on the data that matters
The ALMIS® ALM system has operated successfully since 1992 as server-based software installed at a client’s premises. This works perfectly well for many firms, however, the advantages of a hosted system for some clients has presented the opportunity for ALMIS® International to launch a new ‘Hosted ALMIS® System’.
The Benefits
Our hosted solution enables clients to concentrate their resources on the key business needs addressed by ALMIS® ALM and Regulatory Reporting. The hosted solution eliminates all client interaction with IT infrastructure, software installation, performance issues and server maintenance. Hosting also provides data security and integrity and gives ALMIS® International the responsibility to ensure the current version of the ALMIS® system is used.
The hosted software solution is designed to work with small and large databases, whether one person or a hundred from the same organisation is using them. They accommodate the growth of your business seamlessly with optimal performance and minimum downtime.
The ALMIS® system operates seamlessly in this hosted environment, allowing the users to concentrate on the data – monitoring, analyzing and reporting across all areas of ALM and Regulatory Reporting.
How Does It Work?
The Hosted Operating Environment is the Microsoft Azure cloud-based service which uses a network of Microsoft-managed datacentres. This platform allows for resource usage to be based on needs and to be allocated and then charged for the processors and storage resources used. ALMIS® International installs, maintains and updates the system whilst the users simply access data from a PC-based web browser. Full functionality is available at all times depending on the ALMIS® modules the client has chosen to license.
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