Virtual UGM’s

Virtual User Group Meetings in January 2021

Due to COVID we could not hold our usual annual gathering this year and as we look forward to 2021, in addition to our webinars, we are holding 4 product updates for giving software users development updates, and for users to share experiences and future requirements. Please register for the sessions you wish attend. Please note these are client only events.

Cobalt® (Jan 7, 1-3pm)

• Latest developments
• Roadmap
• User feedback

Front Office® (Jan 12, 1-3pm)

• IRRBB, 6 shocks and an annual EVE measure, impact of near to zero and negative rates
• PRA 110 and Liquidity Management
• New CRR2 developments – a new NSFR and a look at the changes to RWA calcs, large exposures and CVA
• User feedback

ALMIS® Hosted on Azure (Jan 15, 1-3pm)

• What’s new 
• Customer experiences

FO+:RR®(Jan 18, 1-3pm)

• Product Update 
• User feedback

Middle Office+® (Jan 21, 1-3pm)

• Where we are, and how we are getting on upgrading clients to MO+.
• How to get started with MO+
• MO+ and Power BI

Everything that you wanted to know about Climate Risk (but were afraid to ask!)

ALMIS® International hosted another successful webinar with our partner and Climate Risk specialists Urgentum. This webinar is now available to view.

Urgentem are an award-winning independent provider of emissions data, climate risk analytics and advisory to the finance industry for robust carbon-investment strategies. This webinar provided an overview of climate risk to get banks and building societies up to speed on the issues that matter.

This webinar covered the full spectrum of climate risks including:

Types of Physical Risk

• Acute (extreme weather events which are becoming ever more frequent and intense)
• Chronic (accelerating sea level rises and arctic ice melt)

Types of Transition Risk

• Market
• Technology
• Policy

We explored each risk type (and their relevance) and encouraged participants to join in with questions and feedback throughout the webinar.

Urgentem speakers: Ian Stannard, Senior Engagement Manager.