Fact: LE reporting for the new COREP regime is detailed, demanding and complex
Fact: LE reporting now consists of 6 different reports
Fact: Firms should report two different measures of LE
Each LE being more than 10% of eligible capital
The 10 largest exposures by type, value and maturity
Fact: LE reporting needs to separately show connected groups of counterparties, NACE codes and legal entity identifiers (LEI’s)
This all adds up to a significant reporting burden for any finance department!
Fact: Using ALMIS® Capital Adequacy and COREP Reporting can significantly reduce this burden
Firms have previously benefited from using the ALMIS® system (Capital Adequacy Module) to monitor, control and report LE. Our enhanced Capital Adequacy and Reporting capabilities give them the power, flexibility and control to automate this process – now even more important to address the more detailed and complex reporting.
Firms need to use the same data to calculate LE as for CR (Credit Risk). The ALMIS® system seamlessly integrates and automates CA, CR and LE COREP returns using the Capital Adequacy module. This helps firms by:
Saving time and resources
Reducing input errors
Creating a single consistent version of the data
Providing a more comprehensive audit trail
Giving confidence to the regulators by using a controlled and integrated solution
For more information on how ALMIS® can help reduce your LE reporting burden, contact [email protected]