ALMIS® Regulus is a powerful regulatory reporting cloud-based application
It is designed to prepare and validate returns required by global regulators, while making regulatory transition seamless.
Automate your bank end-to-end regulatory reporting process
Powerful calculations and data mapping to regulatory returns are provided as out-of-the-box, as well as the option to create your own mappings to reports.
Key features
Underpinned by regulatory and prudential specialists
- Including the Common Reporting (COREP) and Financial Reporting (FINREP) frameworks, as well as produce reports for the Financial Services Authority and the Bank of England. Regulus is easy to maintain, supports multiple taxonomies and provides an intuitive easy to use process for completing regulatory returns.
Designed to work seamlessly with ALMIS Cornerstone
- ALMIS Cornerstone transforms your approach to reporting with turnkey schemas for interest rate risk, liquidity, and capital, enhanced by a low-code infrastructure for custom queries. These queries incorporate derived data and are supported by rigorous data lineage for transparency and accuracy.
Out-of-the-box auto population for all your financial reporting submissions
- With ALMIS Cornerstone, supports multiple taxonomies from the necessary financial reporting bodies. Over 102 submissions over various reporting regimes from regulatory bodies EBA, PRA, BOE and FCA, and produces them in the required XBRL or XML format
Integrates with third-party analytic tools
- Delivering timely comprehensive management information and reporting packs effortlessly as ALMIS Cornerstone integrates with third-party analytics tools.
Easy to use
- Highly-configurable rules that can be managed by end users
- Easy to upgrade and transition across regulatory changes
- Colour-coded highly usable report view and change grids and works quickly with Excel templates
Unlock the power of Report Writer
Regulus has a unique and powerful report writer. It has been designed to seamlessly work with ALMIS® Cornerstone data model to transform and streamline reporting processes.
Custom Mappings
- Allows users to create custom mappings for each regulatory submission type. This provides much more flexibility in mapping data to the specific requirements for all regulatory requirements.
Faster straight-through processing
- Data can be mapped from ALMIS® Cornerstone directly into regulatory submissions using the report writer, enabling data to be submitted directly into your regulatory submissions as soon as the data is committed.
Full transparency with data granularity drill down
- Users are able to drill down into the data to view individual transactions that are mapped to the cell within their regulatory submission as well as viewing the characteristics of those transactions for full transparency and traceability.
New reporting solution inspires expansion and technological exploration
Our experience with the returns that we now process through the new ALMIS Regulatory Reporting solution has encouraged us to think about other returns that we complete and how they would greatly benefit.
We have thoroughly enjoyed working with ALMIS when testing this new technology and we’re excited to see how far the programme can go.
Jess Harris – Senior Regulatory Analyst
The Tipton
Who we work with